


The 阿尔伯马尔学院 (COA) Cares program, established in 2019 by the employees of COA, ensures the care and success of our students. It provides support and resources for students on their path to graduation and as they enter the workforce or transfer to a four-year institution.


  • Free food from on-site pantries at each COA location
  • Free clothes appropriate for job interviews and other employment needs
  • 免费学习用品
  • Referrals to both internal and external resources to address other support needs

No proof of need is required to take advantage of these services.

To access them, please contact:

Coordinator, Student Life and Leadership
252-335-0821 ext. 2240
COA -申博平台, A 150C

我在乎 can also assist individuals with unforeseen emergency situations (such as auto repairs, 租金, 医疗保健, 等.) that could interfere with a student’s ability to complete his/her education/training. To request emergency funds — up to $250, 每学期一次, twice per academic year — please complete the application below. The response time once a student has submitted all required documents will be within five working days.

Requirements for emergency funding include:

  • Cur租金ly enrolled in at least 6 credit hours
  • GPA不低于2分.0
  • Be in an emergency situation

Funds will be paid directly to the vendor — not disbursed directly to the student.

For questions on the application, please contact:

252-335-0821 Ext. 2218
COA-Elizabeth 城市, AE 146




    没有资格要求: mortgage payments, car payments and cable bills

    You'll be asked to submit documentation/proof of your financial emergency upon submission of this application. A representative from COA will request this once the application is received. 例如, if you're requesting utilities assistance, an overdue notice is an example of documentation. If you're requesting assistance with a 租金al payment, a copy of your lease agreement is an example of documentation. If you're requesting transportation/gas assistance, a copy of your course schedule is an example of documentation. Students are encouraged to have this information ready so that their emergency situation can be dealt with in the quickest manner possible.
